A Love Affair with Me and …

It started 54 years ago. And it started in Sears, Roebuck and Company.  Maybe you remember the store, half of it was in Montclair and half of it in Pomona, right there at the end of Indian Hill Blvd. In the middle of the store there was a wide lane running right through the store, and the county line between LA and San Bernardino ran right through…

Strength for the day

I have been thinking about the statement I penned in my first bible. Something I wrote 36 years ago, "Every promise of God within this book I intend to believe; every command of God within this book, I purpose to keep.”  I wonder if it was foolish to say that. How often do I fail to do that? To think that I could ever do that, all…

I am Done with Studying the Bible

I’m done with studying the bible. Maybe you think I’m kidding, but no, I am done with bible study.  I have three bibles. More than that actually, I probably have a dozen bibles. One-year bibles, different translations, both my parent's bibles, yeah, a lot of bibles, for the most part they live on shelves. But I have had three bibles that didn’t live on shelves. The ones…

Climbing Mountains for Fun and Necessity

I grew up on a mountain. Okay, more like a hill. Actually, we lived in the foothills beneath the San Gabriel mountains. Whatever you want to call it, it was a wonderful place to grow up. Exploring the nature that surrounded us, hiking the foothills, going up the creek at Cucamonga canyon, and of course, dirt bike riding.  It was a good mountain to live on, okay,…

A New Day

I have been working on a post for a couple weeks, but it has not come together.  Lots of ideas, but nothing concrete. I like to work through my thoughts by writing about them. But that didn't happen this time. So, I am turning the page on a couple of weeks writing, I am starting over with a blank page. There is something about turning a new…

A Step of Faith

Some of the things that I have been writing about are things I felt I had to say.  That has made it easier to write about.  This is not like that; this is more of an exercise in writing. I am going to write about a step of faith. We'll see how it goes. We had a wonderful church service this Palm Sunday, and at least five…

I’m fine

People always ask how I am doing.  Not because it’s expected, like, “ I'm fine, thanks for asking”,  but because they really care how I'm doing. So I thought I would answer the question. If you don’t know,  I am doing this as a way to relearn how to write. So be forewarned, there will be some writing happening before the answer.   I am in a support…


I been thinking about plans. I am amazed how much planning happens. We plan our days, we plan for our future, we plan who we want to be married to. And then, we plan a wedding, we plan a honeymoon, we plan a life. We live in houses that are planned. Built according to a piece of paper called a, what's the word, oh yeah, a plan. …


Words matter. Even the little ones, like Dolch words. I saw a word the other day that got me thinking.  It was a Dolch word, the type of word that used to fly by when I read, back in the day when I used to be able to do that.  Now nothing flies by when I'm reading. I read one word at a time, which is an…

Dolch Words

Here is a peek inside my mind. I am learning my Dolch words.  Well, I am trying to do that anyway. I didn't even know what they were before.  They are sight words. Named after Dr. Edward William Dolch who developed the list by studying the most frequently occurring words in children’s books. They consist of 80% of the words in children's books, and 50% of the…